Monday, September 7, 2015

Clutter and the Truth Behind It

"With clarity and certainty there can be no overwhelm"

I'm not particularly sure who said this originally, but I heard it from my mentor. 
She was dead on. 

A few weeks ago she asked us to take a picture of our work space. 
This was mine.  Looks "nice" right? 
This picture is completely deceiving. Yes my "work space" was nice and organized but what you don't see in this picture is the fact that it was tucked away in a little tiny corner of my Living room/ bedroom. When you try to shove a working space into a living room with a Murphy bed in it and 2 kids you have got to be out of your mind if you think that work is going to get done during the waking hours! 

I work for myself mostly. I am my own boss. I consider myself a "Stay at home Working Mom" Yet I didn't make myself a priority and give myself a space to work in! Sounds nutso right? I didn't realize what I was doing to myself until my mentor talked to us about DE-CLUTTERING YOUR LIFE and what it can do for you. Two things happened! I've become more productive in the time I spend working and I have a place that I can retreat to if everything else around me is overwhelming! 

How do you do this? Well first of all, in my house we are limited on space. So, what I had originally made the "kids play room" that they hardly ever use because no one would be down in the basement with them. I made into a functional office with a play space and coloring area. I went through all of my decorations that have been sitting in boxes and decided that I was going to use some of them for MY space. 
This is my office NOW:

What I want you to realize is that clutter is not JUST physical stuff. It's old ideas, toxic relationships and bad habits. Clutter is anything that does not support the betterment of yourself. Creating new habits is free, and most of the time FREEING!

Creating new habits is also easier than CHANGING... replace some bad habits with creating new ones and it will happen naturally.   

Start by doing some of these things:
  • Give excess clothing to charity (if you haven't worn it in 6 months GET RID OF IT)
  • Clean out your handbags
  • Clean out your Closets
  • Organize your storage area
  • Clean your office/ re design your space
  • Get rid of old files/ bills/ paperwork
  • Schedule a full physical yearly.. find out what clutter is doing to you!

Make no mistake... Clutter (physical or otherwise) = STRESS

STRESS = weight gain, wrinkles, decreased sex drive, Heart Disease, Hypertension, Diabetes types 1&2, Headaches, dizziness, ADD/ADHD, Anxiety, irritability & anger, Panic Disorders, digestive disorders, irritable bowl syndrome, abdominal pain, muscle tension, fibromyalgia, insomnia, asthma, ulcers, Alcoholism, paranoia, irritability, behavior issues, suicide, drug use, and the worst of these... Death.  

The choice is yours.

As always feed back is appreciated! Leave comments! Email or private message me on Facebook!

De-Cluttering Everyday,

Amanda Christine

Friday, September 4, 2015

Do You Know Where Your True Passion Lies?

Do you know in your knower what your true Passion is? Have you ever even thought about it? Is your career aligned with your passion? 

First of all lets clarify one thing....  Your career doesn't have to be your passion but in your journey to success, those who are wildly successful operate within their passion and talents. It's important you know and execute your passion in some way or another. People who are passionate about what they do ARE wildly successful because they aren't trying to do anything other than inspire other's greatness. 

What do you love to do?
What brings joy to your life? What saps it all together?
What did you enjoy doing as a kid?
Have you ever created a dream board or a slide show?
Do you have 1 day a week where you are UNPLUGGED from social media to live out your passion?

Here's the deal. START DOING WHAT YOU LOVE NOW... there's never going to be a perfect time to start anything. (new career, family, Fitness/ weight loss etc)

What is your talent? Did you know that passion and talent go hand in hand? 

Do you know what your children's passions are?
I can honestly say if someone had asked me about what my 2 children's passions were a week ago I would've looked at you like a deer in headlights. 
The easiest way to find out what their passions are is to think about Christmas! Yes Christmas. There are companies like Apple, X Box and whatever else technology and social media throws at them. But when they ask for a soccer ball, a snare drum, an art set etc. They are telling you their passions! Go and run out and get those things for them before technology gets a hold of them! 

So What is your passion?  Would you like to monetize your passion? 

Think about all the times you said "I WISH SOMEONE WOULD..." That is your opportunity! If you wish it... most of the time someone else does too!
Mindset! "Am I doing this to make $$$" if that's the case it will almost always end in failure
                "Am I doing this to help others?" This is what will bring success and passion 

Authenticity is so important! People know when their being sold! Have you had the private look in the mirror? The one with yourself... The one where you admit to yourself whatever it is you have to come to terms with.  Whatever you do, don't lose your stuff in the process. Never stop being real!

I want you all to know that I never care if I sell anything! I want to deliver quality content. I just want to help people! 

Lastly, there is a hidden instrument in every one of us, sometimes you just have to find passionate people to help bring out in you! Remember that you can't live in someone else's dream and expect to obtain happiness. 

With Love,

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

What No One Told You About Weight Loss

Have you lost weight recently? Awesome! Congratulations! Good for you! I'm so proud of you!

I'm struggling right now to convey my feelings with you about my own body image, I know I can't be alone. I know for a fact this is something that not many people are brave enough to speak of.

First things first, no one WARNS you how emotional weight loss is if you're doing it from a lifestyle stand point. I've never felt euphoric and grief in the same 30 seconds!

People who have made a long-term lifestyle change, and decided to become healthy will tell you that it's a process, but it will be worth it. Anything worth having (Life, Health, Prosperity) is worth fighting for, and actually working for. Change IS worth it.

However while you're donning your new body (or working on it), & feeling amazing about yourself there are some things no one told you. Like your skin might be lose or even  "squishier" than you'd like.Or for the women, you feel like you've lost your "girls" and although it's awesome you can now go to Vicki's... the $200+ bill that follows it makes you want to double over. Maybe you have big goals and someone says "oh honey, you look great just the way you are" Or how about when you're leaning out/ toning up and someone tells you you're looking "too skinny" and you just want to punch them in the face.

The truth is, sometimes it's not going to feel like it's WORTH IT

There's going to be a moment in time when you think to yourself, "I can't do this" "what was I thinking" "this is too hard" I'm here to tell you that all of these feelings are normal. All of these feelings are a part of the process!

It's okay!!! let your mind go there. Think about what it would be like if you stopped, think about what your life would look like in 5,10, 15, and even 20 years!

There are psychologists out there who say there's a stigma called "weight loss shock" It takes time to get used to our new bodies. I can't tell you how many times after lost 151 lbs now I've looked in the mirror and seen my old body. Or how many times I started walking over into the "plus sized" section and received looks from another world like I was mocking someone.

You'll Feel like an Ungrateful Jerk

When you start to get tons of compliments, it can be overwhelming. You're happy that people are "noticing the changes you've made" however if you're like me, you aren't very good at getting compliments or even "hit on" I mean honestly, there are times when people tell me how pretty I am and I'm like, "gee thanks I've only heard that 30 times this week" or someone says "WOW you're looking fantastic" and I hear "Man you used to be fat" It is truly a struggle to take compliments as a reflection of all your hard work.

You're Going to Need New Shoes

As you loose weight you will also loose fat in your feet! Again women, kinda like the "girls" comments from above, it's so exciting that you can buy new shoes but dang its heavy on the pocketbook!

These are just a few of the things that people mean when they say "It's hard, but so worth it" they actually mean that you'll never go through the roller coaster of emotions regarding self image and personal development like you do when making a lifestyle change.

It's time to fall in love with yourself again, but at the same time you'll want to run away and go get a big greasy cheeseburger because you just WANT to.

Some days you're going to feel like walking out, giving up  and quitting, but at the end of the day if you just decide not to give up even though there will be times with setbacks. Times where you'll be sore, tired and feel like a monster.

It is worth it....
Hard... but so worth it.

Don't give up.

With Love,