Exercise is not the answer... WAIT WHAT? Let me explain...
When it comes to total body health exercise is an important part of the equation but it isn't the end all be all. Have you ever noticed that exercise becomes STRESSFUL and a CHORE when we view it as THE answer to getting results?
Healthy living is about nourishing your body in various ways. This includes exercise but also eating whole foods and cultivating strong relationships with people that are like minded and on the same track you are. It's about practicing balance in your food intake, but not perfection and about nurturing YOURSELF as well as you try to nurture others.
So... When is exercise NOT the answer???
1. When you're struggling to lose the last 10 lbs. When you beat yourself up in a workout your body releases more cortisol triggering you to eat more food that it needs.
2. When your body is telling you to go easy and back off- this constantly leaves you depleted and feeling fatigued and sore... plagued with aches and pains! Sometimes a meaningful stretch or a walk with the dogs is more effective than a grueling workout!
3. When you lose sight of balance- when you have one speed.. TURBO and you don't allow your mood, and whole body health It's important to find a balance of both grace and challenge in your workouts
4. When your workout leaves you exhausted. If your workout isn't leaving you feeling strong and healthy... I encourage you to change it up.
5.When you start to dread exercise! You must find something that makes you feel energized and rewarded! Exercise is ESSENTIAL but only PART of an important Healthy routine!
IS THIS YOU? Let's Chat! Connect with me on facebook!
Create Your Life
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
The scale weight says nothing of your health. You want to lose 20 lbs? I can help you make that happen... just cut your daily calories in half and spend two hours a day doing low intensity cardio. That will make the scale show the "right" number... for about a month.... until your willpower runs out (as the behaviors mentioned above aren't sustainable) and your messed up metabolism starts to fight back. At which point you will gain all the weight back and then some. But hey, for a few weeks, your scale said you were down 20 lbs!
The scale alone tells you nothing about what's going on with your relationship with food, hormones, digestive system or inflammatory status. The number on the scale doesn't reflect improved cravings, better sleep, a happier mood, or a boost of self-esteem. And those are the factors that impact your health FAR MORE DIRECTLY than your body weight. BUT... until you stop obsessing about gaining or losing half a pound you will never be able to see the emotional, mental, and physical progress you've actually been making! The scale maintains control of your self-esteem... It's downright tragic that your daily weigh-in determines whether you have a good or a bad day, and whether or not you feel good about yourself.
YOU DESERVE BETTER and your daily weigh-in is one more habit that I myself really had to conquer.
When you take on something as big as changing your life, it's kind of a big deal! Examining your emotional relationship with food is hard! Breaking habits that started in CHILDHOOD is hard! Learning to love, comfort and bond with others (and yourself) without using junk food as an offering is HARD! Through your food choices you've been unknowingly waging a war with your body! Starting something new is like calling a ceasefire, which means things will eventually get better... but first comes a massive clean up effort which can be just as disruptive and feel just as chaotic as the war itself!
SHARE YOUR EXCITEMENT WHEN YOU'RE EXCITED. Allow yourself to feel nervous too, but remember you have a great plan, lots of support and some fantastic resources to see you through!
REMEMBER the amount of SUCK you experience in the first part of any change is directly proportional to the amount of junk you consumed before you began... especially if you consumed it consistently.
Lastly... When has a cupcake ever made you feel truly accomplished, comforted, calm, or beautiful? It's time to find another way to fill that need.
Amanda Christine
Amanda Christine
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
New Years Solutions
The dawn of the new year often invites us to reflect on shortcomings and accomplishments of the past year and renews our determination to reach new goals or improvements for the upcoming year.
What's the real deal with resolutions? Are they helpful or are we just setting ourselves up for failure?
According to the University of Scranton, 45% set goals 38% never do and the rest of us fall somewhere in between. Of us that set them only 8% achieve success...
Let's dig deeper... The suspected reason for the low success rate is that goals are too big, vague, unrealistic, or are not supported by genuine motivation, commitment or planning.
No real change can happen overnight. We all KNOW this in our heads but we live in such a microwave society! But this doesn't mean that New Year's Eve, at the stroke of Midnight can't be a great time to create a positive change in your life.
3 Alternatives to resolutions:
Pick 1 word to focus on this year: Instead of setting lofty goals around something you don't like about your current situation... pick a word, something that shows a bigger picture on what you want to focus on this year. For instance... "Wellness" or "Love" if you are looking to work on relationships.
Pick 1 word to focus on this year: Instead of setting lofty goals around something you don't like about your current situation... pick a word, something that shows a bigger picture on what you want to focus on this year. For instance... "Wellness" or "Love" if you are looking to work on relationships.
Do More of what's already good in your life! no where does it say you HAVE to FOCUS on something negative, or something that needs fixing!
Chose 12 mini goals, 1 for each month "go somewhere new" "learn a new skill" You get the picture!
I choose to set myself up for success this year, and I WILL be one of the 8% as I hope all of you will as well.
I choose to set myself up for success this year, and I WILL be one of the 8% as I hope all of you will as well.
What's your New Year's Solution?
With Love,
Amanda Christine
Amanda Christine
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Adrenal Fatigue: What now?
Adrenal Fatigue Sucks...
There I said it! Those of us that suffer from it are already thinking it though. One way your body compensates for unremitting stress is to go into survival mode and switching metabolic gears.
When this was explained to me at first I was relieved that the reason I was gaining weight was because my body wasn't able to respond to stress in the way that it should. But then I got frustrated because I started thinking... WELL WHAT THE HECK CAN I DO ABOUT IT. How do we get our bodies to just "switch gears" again.
The solution is to not further stress the body by reducing calories and exercise but to instead implement an adrenal-friendly diet, accompanied by herbal supplementation, and adding the right kind of exercise when called for all of this along with making an effort to heal the root cause of the problem! The chronic stress that is signaling my body to remain in a constant state of high stress.
(I will go into this in later posts)
I figured out that I have been suffering from adrenal dysfunction most of my life, however I just officially "found out" and am beginning to take steps to healing my body naturally. There is NO QUICK FIX for adrenal fatigue. HEAR ME... it takes time. I have found 1 supplement thus far in my journey that has helped me immensely. It's a little tablet that I take 1x per day and it has helped to reduce oxidative stress in my body. Which anyone undergoing adrenal dysfunction is experiencing oxidative stress (truth is EVERY SINGLE PERSON IS) I will post how to obtain this supplement at the bottom of this post.
I started as a Wired Racehorse... transitioned to a Tired and Wired Workhorse in my 20s and then I hit 30 and now I'm somewhere between the workhorse and the flatliner. IT'S TIME FOR CHANGE
Are you the Wired Racehorse?
* Someone living in a constant adrenaline rush
* Mild gastro-intestinal problems
*Potential to face Thyroid issues
*Often doesn't feel hungry
*Finds herself nodding off if there is nothing to keep her busy
*Tempted by sweets and starches that will quickly boost energy into the wired state only to CRASH once more when the simple carbs and sugars wear off.
*Tension in the neck or back
*Is told to "lighten up" or "take it easy"
*Thrives in high stress atmosphere
*Hyper or Strung out when worn down
*can't tolerate the smallest irritation.
*Multi-tasker with seemingly boundless energy.
Are you the TIRED and WIRED Workhorse?
*24 hour cycle that is out of whack
*Doesn't function well until 10 or 11am despite caffeine intake
*falls asleep out of exhaustion and has a hard time staying asleep
*has trouble falling asleep
*Drops in blood pressure causing dizzy spells in the morning or if she stands up too quickly
*Tired after a meal when our parasympathetic system kicks in forcing us to relax
*Increasingly sensitive to changes in the weather
*Formerly an amazing multitasker
Are you the FLATLINER?
*Drops in blood pressure causing dizzy spells in the morning or if she stands up too quickly
*Faces a load of endocrine system related diseases/ disorders
*Faces autoimmune disorders
*Body tends to hold onto excess fat regardless of what you're doing
*Anxiety and Depression (most are being treated for this)
*may be insulin resistant
*completely worn down
*everything feels like a chore
*constant feeling of being overwhelmed
Get Protandim Here
When this was explained to me at first I was relieved that the reason I was gaining weight was because my body wasn't able to respond to stress in the way that it should. But then I got frustrated because I started thinking... WELL WHAT THE HECK CAN I DO ABOUT IT. How do we get our bodies to just "switch gears" again.
(I will go into this in later posts)
I figured out that I have been suffering from adrenal dysfunction most of my life, however I just officially "found out" and am beginning to take steps to healing my body naturally. There is NO QUICK FIX for adrenal fatigue. HEAR ME... it takes time. I have found 1 supplement thus far in my journey that has helped me immensely. It's a little tablet that I take 1x per day and it has helped to reduce oxidative stress in my body. Which anyone undergoing adrenal dysfunction is experiencing oxidative stress (truth is EVERY SINGLE PERSON IS) I will post how to obtain this supplement at the bottom of this post.
I started as a Wired Racehorse... transitioned to a Tired and Wired Workhorse in my 20s and then I hit 30 and now I'm somewhere between the workhorse and the flatliner. IT'S TIME FOR CHANGE
Are you the Wired Racehorse?
* Someone living in a constant adrenaline rush
* Mild gastro-intestinal problems
*Potential to face Thyroid issues
*Often doesn't feel hungry
*Finds herself nodding off if there is nothing to keep her busy
*Tempted by sweets and starches that will quickly boost energy into the wired state only to CRASH once more when the simple carbs and sugars wear off.
*Tension in the neck or back
*Is told to "lighten up" or "take it easy"
*Thrives in high stress atmosphere
*Hyper or Strung out when worn down
*can't tolerate the smallest irritation.
*Multi-tasker with seemingly boundless energy.
Are you the TIRED and WIRED Workhorse?
*24 hour cycle that is out of whack
*Doesn't function well until 10 or 11am despite caffeine intake
*falls asleep out of exhaustion and has a hard time staying asleep
*has trouble falling asleep
*Drops in blood pressure causing dizzy spells in the morning or if she stands up too quickly
*Tired after a meal when our parasympathetic system kicks in forcing us to relax
*Increasingly sensitive to changes in the weather
*Formerly an amazing multitasker
Are you the FLATLINER?
*Drops in blood pressure causing dizzy spells in the morning or if she stands up too quickly
*Faces a load of endocrine system related diseases/ disorders
*Faces autoimmune disorders
*Body tends to hold onto excess fat regardless of what you're doing
*Anxiety and Depression (most are being treated for this)
*may be insulin resistant
*completely worn down
*everything feels like a chore
*constant feeling of being overwhelmed
Get Protandim Here
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
I don't know HOW I functioned without this.
After recently being diagnosed with Adrenal Fatigue, and then finding out there's not much you can do about it except naturally through diet and supplementation. I started looking into natural remedies.
One of the things I discovered for the issues I was having is Maca Root. Have you heard of it? Loaded with vitamins, aminos, trace minerals, and good fats. Below you'll find a list of reasons people use Maca root!
You can find it and take it in a capsule or how I take it in a Gelatinized Maca Root powder to add into food/ smoothies etc.
1 frozen banana
1 cup frozen strawberries
2 tsp hemp seeds
1-2 tsp Gelatinzed Maca Root powder
1 tsp Vanilla
2 TBSP almond butter or soaked almonds
1 cup water
(stevia or a date for sweetness if needed)
1-2 servings IF you care to share!
15g of protein
The benefits are amazing and This smoothie is natural and OH SO FILLING!!! I have it for lunch by itself!Tuesday, December 8, 2015
New Years Resolutions
Did you know that worldwide obesity had more than doubled since 1980?
39% of adults over 18 years were overweight in 2014 and 13% were obese
39% of adults over 18 years were overweight in 2014 and 13% were obese
The top 3 New Years Resolutions are to 1)Lose weight 2)Get organized 3) Spend less save more. 24% of people who make New Years Resolutions never succeed and fail on the objective each year. But people who explicitly make resolutions are 10 times more likely
Answer: YO-YO dieting!!!
Dieting is incredibly unhealthy because most of the time you gain more than you lost when you yo-yo. Or people are using drugs with side effects… better My thought is that it's better to be overweight and alive than taking drugs and die.
to attain their goals than people who don't.Question: WHY ISN’T IT WORKING???
Answer: YO-YO dieting!!!
Dieting is incredibly unhealthy because most of the time you gain more than you lost when you yo-yo. Or people are using drugs with side effects… better My thought is that it's better to be overweight and alive than taking drugs and die.
It’s NOT about weight loss it’s about weight management!
Weight Management is about long term LIFESTYLE
Weight Management is about long term LIFESTYLE
Smart weight management is what the world has been waiting for.
And I finally have an answer!
And I finally have an answer!
I am now accepting 25 pre-launch clients to mentor in January for a
➡➡➡ #HeartFitness 30 DAY RESET ➡➡➡
This isn't about a fad.
This isn't another gimmick.
Or just another challenge you failed so often in the past.
This is about you becoming the BEST you. Surrounded by acceptance for who you are, where you want to go. Love, mentoring and personal coaching!
👇👇email me! work.of.heart@hotmail.com 👇👇
✅ Pre-Order 12/15
✅ Ship 12/21
✅ Starts Monday 1/4/2016
➡➡➡ #HeartFitness 30 DAY RESET ➡➡➡
This isn't about a fad.
This isn't another gimmick.
Or just another challenge you failed so often in the past.
This is about you becoming the BEST you. Surrounded by acceptance for who you are, where you want to go. Love, mentoring and personal coaching!
👇👇email me! work.of.heart@hotmail.com 👇👇
✅ Pre-Order 12/15
✅ Ship 12/21
✅ Starts Monday 1/4/2016
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Are you Sick and TIRED of being SICK AND TIRED?
Do you feel exhausted overwhelmed or stressed all the time?
Do you need a constant infusion of coffee, energy drinks, and soda to make it through the day?
Are you frequently craving sweets or tempted by carbo-binges?
Do you find yourself feeling foggy and unable to concentrate?
Do you have a low sex drive?
Do you find that you're better when you're busy? or you live a lifestyle that you're always ON THE GO?
Do you enjoy adrenaline rushes and feel bored without a crisis to handle?
Are you struggling with Anxiety or Depression?
If I've just painted a picture of something you recognize in yourself you could be suffering from adrenal dysfunction. This happens when your adrenal glands combined with lifelong emotional patterns add up to physical, mental and emotional symptoms. In the early stages you might just feel what they call "tired and wired" or find that simple tasks leave you feeling incredibly exhausted.
Either way you know something is wrong with your body and your health-care provider has assessed you and says your "fine" or hasn't included adrenal dysfunction.
Unfortunately your health care provider is likely to ignore adrenal dysfunction unless you are suffering from severe adrenal functions like Cushing's Syndrome or Addison's Disease. These two diagnoses are understood by conventional medicine. But if your adrenal imbalance is less extreme, which from what I understand is SUPER common among hundreds of THOUSANDS of US women your doctor is unlikely to recognize the condition.
The reason being... it takes 50 years for research to catch up to conventional medicine... it's been about 25. Thus Adrenal Fatigue is not a widely accepted or commonly practiced diagnosis.
The GOOD NEWS: once you've identified that this could be you... there IS a way that you can feel better. And it's not something that you have to take a "pill" for. By adjusting your diet, lifestyle and reprogramming your emotional health patterns over time you WILL see a significant difference.
How you ask? I will be providing information over the next 30 days. Lets feel better together.
With Love,
Amanda Christine
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