Saturday, December 12, 2015

Adrenal Fatigue: What now?

Adrenal Fatigue Sucks...

There I said it! Those of us that suffer from it are already thinking it though. One way your body compensates for unremitting stress is to go into survival mode and switching metabolic gears.

When this was explained to me at first I was relieved that the reason I was gaining weight was because my body wasn't able to respond to stress in the way that it should. But then I got frustrated because I started thinking... WELL WHAT THE HECK CAN I DO ABOUT IT.  How do we get our bodies to just "switch gears" again.

The solution is to not further stress the body by reducing calories and exercise but to instead implement an adrenal-friendly diet, accompanied by herbal supplementation, and adding the right kind of exercise when called for all of this along with making an effort to heal the root cause of the problem! The chronic stress that is signaling my body to remain in a constant state of high stress.
(I will go into this in later posts)

I figured out that I have been suffering from adrenal dysfunction most of my life, however I just officially "found out" and am beginning to take steps to healing my body naturally. There is NO QUICK FIX for adrenal fatigue. HEAR ME... it takes time. I have found 1 supplement thus far in my journey that has helped me immensely. It's a little tablet that I take 1x per day and it has helped to reduce oxidative stress in my body. Which anyone undergoing adrenal dysfunction is experiencing oxidative stress (truth is EVERY SINGLE PERSON IS) I will post how to obtain this supplement at the bottom of this post.

I started as a Wired Racehorse... transitioned to a Tired and Wired Workhorse in my 20s and then I hit 30 and now I'm somewhere between the workhorse and the flatliner. IT'S TIME FOR CHANGE

Are you the Wired Racehorse? 
* Someone living in a constant adrenaline rush
* Mild gastro-intestinal problems
*Potential to face Thyroid issues
*Often doesn't feel hungry
*Finds herself nodding off if there is nothing to keep her busy
*Tempted by sweets and starches that will quickly boost energy into the wired state only to CRASH once more when the simple carbs and sugars wear off.
*Tension in the neck or back
*Is told to "lighten up" or "take it easy"
*Thrives in high stress atmosphere
*Hyper or Strung out when worn down
*can't tolerate the smallest irritation.
*Multi-tasker with seemingly boundless energy.

Are you the TIRED and WIRED Workhorse?
*24 hour cycle that is out of whack
*Doesn't function well until 10 or 11am despite caffeine intake
*falls asleep out of exhaustion and has a hard time staying asleep
*has trouble falling asleep
*Drops in blood pressure causing dizzy spells in the morning or if she stands up too quickly
*Tired after a meal when our parasympathetic system kicks in forcing us to relax
*Increasingly sensitive to changes in the weather
*Formerly an amazing multitasker

Are you the FLATLINER?
*Drops in blood pressure causing dizzy spells in the morning or if she stands up too quickly
*Faces a load of endocrine system related diseases/ disorders
*Faces autoimmune disorders
*Body tends to hold onto excess fat regardless of what you're doing
*Anxiety and Depression (most are being treated for this)
*may be insulin resistant
*completely worn down
*everything feels like a chore
*constant feeling of being overwhelmed

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