The scale weight says nothing of your health. You want to lose 20 lbs? I can help you make that happen... just cut your daily calories in half and spend two hours a day doing low intensity cardio. That will make the scale show the "right" number... for about a month.... until your willpower runs out (as the behaviors mentioned above aren't sustainable) and your messed up metabolism starts to fight back. At which point you will gain all the weight back and then some. But hey, for a few weeks, your scale said you were down 20 lbs!
The scale alone tells you nothing about what's going on with your relationship with food, hormones, digestive system or inflammatory status. The number on the scale doesn't reflect improved cravings, better sleep, a happier mood, or a boost of self-esteem. And those are the factors that impact your health FAR MORE DIRECTLY than your body weight. BUT... until you stop obsessing about gaining or losing half a pound you will never be able to see the emotional, mental, and physical progress you've actually been making! The scale maintains control of your self-esteem... It's downright tragic that your daily weigh-in determines whether you have a good or a bad day, and whether or not you feel good about yourself.
YOU DESERVE BETTER and your daily weigh-in is one more habit that I myself really had to conquer.
When you take on something as big as changing your life, it's kind of a big deal! Examining your emotional relationship with food is hard! Breaking habits that started in CHILDHOOD is hard! Learning to love, comfort and bond with others (and yourself) without using junk food as an offering is HARD! Through your food choices you've been unknowingly waging a war with your body! Starting something new is like calling a ceasefire, which means things will eventually get better... but first comes a massive clean up effort which can be just as disruptive and feel just as chaotic as the war itself!
SHARE YOUR EXCITEMENT WHEN YOU'RE EXCITED. Allow yourself to feel nervous too, but remember you have a great plan, lots of support and some fantastic resources to see you through!
REMEMBER the amount of SUCK you experience in the first part of any change is directly proportional to the amount of junk you consumed before you began... especially if you consumed it consistently.
Lastly... When has a cupcake ever made you feel truly accomplished, comforted, calm, or beautiful? It's time to find another way to fill that need.
Amanda Christine
Amanda Christine